Common Causes for a Gummy Smile (and How to Change It)

August 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — texastoothlady @ 6:05 pm
Person receiving soft tissue laser therapy for a gummy smile

Has your smile always looked more “gummy” than you’d prefer? While a gummy smile is not a cause for concern most of the time, it can make you feel self-conscious about your smile’s appearance. For example, teeth can appear stubby or short, which is not ideal for some. The good news is, thanks to modern advancements in dental technology, you don’t have to settle for this appearance if you don’t want to. Find out what the most common causes of a gummy smile are and how diode laser dentistry can help!

The Most Common Causes for a Gummy Smile

Research has shown that gummy smiles can develop for a variety of reasons, including the following:

  • Growth of Adult Teeth – The way in which your adult teeth come in is mainly determined by your genetics. In some cases, conditions like altered passive eruption, which is when the gums cover more of the teeth’s surface, can lead to a gummy smile. Another common cause is overeruption, which is when the teeth in the front row and gums grow out too far. This is due to a condition known as dentoalveolar extrusion.
  • Lip size – A gummy smile can also appear when the upper lip is on the shorter side. If they move dramatically when you smile (or are hypermobile), it can expose more of your gum line.
  • Medication-Induced Gingival Hyperplasia – If you take medications to treat seizures or high blood pressure, it can lead to overgrowth of the gums. Certain medications that suppress the immune system can also cause this side effect.

How Diode Laser Dentistry Treats a Gummy Smile

When the gum tissue is covering up small portions of teeth, making them look stubby or asymmetrical to other teeth, diode laser dentistry can help. This powerful, yet incredibly precise soft tissue laser makes it easy for dentists to carefully modify gum tissue and prevent it from growing back. The laser is a highly concentrated light beam that is far more conservative than other gum recontouring treatments that use metal dental instruments. Following the procedure, the smile looks fuller and more even, giving you the confidence to show it off!

Not only is treatment with a diode laser very quick and straightforward, but you don’t even need local anesthetic injected just to have it performed. At most, a topical anesthetic is applied for optimal comfort. Even then, many people who receive diode laser dentistry note that there is no discomfort whatsoever, even without anesthetics.

If diode laser dentistry sounds right for you, get in touch with a cosmetic dentist today to learn more and begin your smile transformation!

About the Author

Dr. Terri Alani performs many cosmetic treatments to help patients enhance their smile, including gum recontouring with diode laser technology. She’s highly experienced in the field of cosmetic dentistry and uses a soft tissue laser to recontour gum tissue and to make room for additional restorations, such as veneers and crowns. To schedule an appointment, you can contact her through her website.

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